The Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) plays a significant role in our school community. It is a team of elected parents, teachers, non-instructional staff, and community members who meet monthly with the principal to advise the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students at the school. The team advises the principal on topics including, but not limited to: school priorities and initiatives, the comprehensive school plan, the budget and alignment of school goals with broader DCPS goals.

LSATs are required to exist at every DCPS school to promote collaboration in decision-making amongst  those most affected by the decisions. At CHML, the LSAT is a collaborative body that works to address the needs of the entire school community in close collaboration with the principal. LSATs do not have decision-making authority, but advise the principal, and the principal is encouraged to strongly consider the LSAT’s advice.

In addition, the CHML LSAT collaborates closely with the CHML PTSO to ensure alignment of goals, activities and schedules. The CHML also works with the community and PTSO as needed to advocate to DCPS for things we might need that are not being provided.

LSAT members are elected each spring for the next school year. Parent and community representatives are elected by the parent body. Teacher and staff representatives are elected by the teachers and staff.

More information on LSATs can be found on DCPS’s LSAT website

For specific questions about CHML’s LSAT, reach out to Chair Tommie Jones at or Secretary Danica Petroshius at


What does serving on the LSAT entail?

LSAT members are expected to attend all or a majority of the LSAT meetings. Meetings are held monthly (on a schedule decided by the LSAT members in the beginning of the school year). In 2022-2023, the CHML LSAT meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. During key budget decision-making times, usually in February and March, there may be additional meetings scheduled last-minute to meet DCPS budget deadlines.

There is not regularly scheduled work in between meetings. However, based on meeting discussions and actions the LSAT decides to take, members may need to research items, draft documents or attend meetings with DCPS on occasion.

Elected Members of CHML LSAT 2022-23 LSAT

  • Tommie Jones, Jr. (Parent)
  • Andrew Turner (Parent)
  • open position (Parent)
  • open position (Parent)
  • open position (Parent)
  • Sarah Kaufman-Relph (Primary Teacher)
  • Tonya Wiley (Lower Elementary Teacher)
  • Elma Pundavela (Lower Elementary Teacher)
  • Tulika Samal (Middle School Teacher)
  • Kim Adutwum (Principal)

Meeting Notes

April 8, 2021
February 22, 2021
February 11, 2021
January 14, 2021
November 12, 2020
October 8, 2020