6th Grade Montessori, Term 1, Fall 2020
Advisor - Mr. Walker Contact Mr. WalkerFAQs and Tech SupportCheck up on your child’s grades and upcoming assignments
As families, we know that you want to make sure your child is up to date on their school work. This video shows you how to log into your child’s Canvas account and check their grade and upcoming assignments.
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Social Studies – World Geography
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Social Studies – World Geography
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Health and Physical Education
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Students will practice using self-awareness as they identify and determine what factors they will include in their self-portraits, focusing on their strengths, challenges, and cultural representations. Students practice embedded social and cultural awareness in showcasing how cultures define identity through various explorations of self-portrait styles. As students create their own art, they learn how to upload their work digital and follow a critique process that elevates discussion and conversation. Students use relationship skills as they work in groups to create and identify traits for their portraits. Students will practice self-management by seeing and achieving the goals of creating a final portrait and identifying what materials best communicate their story.