Administrative Team

Kim Adutwum
Kim Adutwum began her career as a science mentor teacher with the Carnegie Institute in Washington, DC. After joining DCPS, she spent five years as a science teacher at Harriet Tubman Elementary School before transitioning to teach biology at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School in 2001. In 2006, Ms. Adutwum joined New Leaders for New Schools and served as the resident principal at JC Nalle Elementary School. She transitioned into the role of principal at JC Nalle in 2007 where she has established a shared vision and goals for student achievement to support Montessori and traditional instruction by utilizing a deep knowledge of curriculum and a child-‐centered educational approach. Ms. Adutwum has served as the principal at JC Nalle for eleven years and holds a bachelor’s degree from Delaware State University. She holds master’s degrees from Trinity University and Georgetown University.

Antricia King
SPED Coordinator

Kristina Childs
Registrar/Administrative Aide

Thanh Nguyen
Director, Strategy and Logistics