Mandarin Language Lessons
Principal Adutwum shared that the current part-time English Language Learning teacher Laura King will become full-time and start offering Mandarin to Primary and Elementary students. 
There will be more information coming soon as part of our school’s evolving and expanding specials.
Home Learning Technology
DCPS is continuing to deliver new computers to support students through digital home learning.
iPads for Primary Families are expected by Monday
  • Adutwum will contact families by staggered, safe distanced pickup
  • Includes visual and easy-to-use guide for iPads
More Surface notebooks are being provided for  Grades 1-8 students
Additionally, the school is offering hardbound copies of iReady books so students have an alternative to digital screens. These books are going to be available for pickup in the next week as part of picking up notebooks and iPads.
Logan Building making great progress
Principal Adutwum recently toured the building construction. It’s now entering the last phase of the 4 phases. The construction crew were active, engaging, and showing a sense of focused urgency to get the project done on time. 
The ultimate planned school capacity is 470 students. This is  expected to be achieved over next three years from our current population of 368 students.
Improving our Home Learning
If you are having difficulties with the amount of teacher or classroom face time, or concerns about Canvas – please talk to your teacher directly. They are working hard and also appreciate your feedback and identifying particular needs of students.
Primary teachers are preparing learning packets to be mailed to families. These will provide with flat materials that students can use to learn key principles with their teachers.